I help people manifest their happiest lives and wildest dreams using gateways of DIVINITY.

About me
I'm Gi Gi, I exist to make sure you feel like you are DIVINE AF
...and I'm going to change your life for the better because the better it gets... the better it gets! There is sooooo much available to you, and I for one cannot wait to see you live out your every desire once you truly understand your infinite potential. I'll be simplifying and debunking many concepts that are life transforming, like; emotional and intuitive intelligence, living with a powerful sense of existential clarity, awakening your divine gifts to find euphoria in your daily life and accumulating exponential abundance.
In the background I selectively consult on global impact initiatives, brand energetics, and triple impact technologies.
A lifestyle creates a legacy, and ​one of my favorite philosophies is from Nelson Mandela; "There is no passion to be found playing small, in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living."
Here's a handful of things that I'm all about!

I'm passionately obsessed with helping people answer the mundane 'how are you' with "living my best fucking life" and am leading a movement to ensure as many people as possible can say just that.
I wrote a book on happiness and cracked the code to manifestation, but as I dived soul first into making dreams reality, I realised a hard truth >>
you can achieve a shit load of success and it not be fulfilling.
I believe we all have divine gifts and the sooner we use them, the happier we will be in our lives and our value to the world. ​
My book "The Intelligence of Happiness: How to Thrive Using Authenticity, Self-Alignment, and Simple Neuropsychology", became a #1 Amazon Best Seller but that was just the start and mark my words, its going to be the journey of a lifetime. Join me as I expand, give limitations a loving middle finger and find out what it truly means to live a liberated life based on divine values of goodness.
I couldn't be more in love with my adventure as a social entrepreneur since launching my company gii and online members club, EDEN.
gii stands for 'global intelligence initiative' and is home to my vision of helping people reclaim their divine intelligence for a jaw-droppingly satisfying life of magic and motherfucking miracles.
At a time where its easy to tune into crisis, I believe in humanity, I believe in us and our collective ability to embody our divinity, be in our most orgasmic state of happiness and to create wildly wealthy lives simply by living in our truth.
I just want to say,
thank you for being here.
"You are the not a human in the universe, you are the entire universe in a human. You are divinity embodied."
~ Gi Gi O'Brien